NHS Leadership Academy EoE

Last updated Friday 28th June 2024

The Leadership Academy in the east of England supports our staff to access the full range of nationally recognised and accredited Leadership Academy Development and Talent programmes available for staff of all backgrounds and experiences across health and care.

Regionally we provide a wide range of support at all levels, from systems leadership thinking and behavioural skills development, leadership/management skills development, primary care development as well as coaching and mentoring to graduate scheme placements and talent management.

Our wide range of programmes are available to our stakeholders working in Integrated Care Systems.  This includes health and social care professionals who work in various services including primary and secondary care, community settings, local authorities, voluntary and community and the social enterprise sector. To find out more visit East of England – NHS Leadership Academy

If you have any questions please do contact talentandleadership.eoe@england.nhs.uk