Safeguarding Adults: Professional Responsibilities for GP Practices

Last updated Wednesday 17th May 2023

A 3-hour webinar, designed to enable staff within a GP Practice to be aware of their own roles and responsibilities within legislative, local and national policies and guidance. It will highlight the importance of the multi-disciplinary approach and how to safely apply the ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ approach when managing suspected adult abuse concerns

This is an opportunity for you to clarify any practice concerns or issues relating to safeguarding adults and will also support you to meet your statutory requirements when working with the Local Authority. The training will be valid CPD in line with the ‘Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff’ and is aimed at both Level 3 and 4 staff competency groups (Registered Health Professionals and Named Leads). However, the first section is applicable to all levels and therefore administrative staff (Level 1 and 2 competency groups) can attend this section of the course.

The session will cover:

• Key legislation relevant to adult safeguarding including The Care Act and the Care & Support Statutory Guidance
• The importance of Making Safeguarding Personal, promoting wellbeing and how this applies in practice
• The significance of indicators of abuse and how these may be used in Safeguarding Adults prevention work
• Roles and statutory responsibilities for Agencies involved in Safeguarding Adults
• Good practice when managing disclosures, seeking consent and robust documentation
• Apply local Safeguarding Adults processes when dealing with suspected, witnessed or actual abuse concerns

For further information or to book a webinar in your service contact
Charges = £250 per webinar session booked (not per person, and you can partner with other practices in your area)