Adult Safeguarding

Adult Safeguarding Level 3: Training Requirements in Primary Care

Recommendation: 8 hours training over 3 years, with 50% participatory and 50% non-participatory training.

Education and learning opportunities should be multi-disciplinary with some inter-agency input desirable, and delivered internally and externally. It should include personal reflection and scenario-based discussion, drawing on case studies, serious case reviews, and lessons from research and audit. This should be appropriate to the speciality and roles of participants. Organisations should consider encompassing safeguarding/child protection learning within regular multi-professional and/or multi-agency staff meetings, vulnerable child and family meetings, clinical updating, clinical audit, reviews of critical incidents and significant unexpected events and peer discussions.

(Adapted for General Practice from Adult Safeguarding: Roles and Competencies for Health Care Staff | Royal College of Nursing ( and Good practice safeguarding in general practice (

Learning Opportunities

CORE opportunities cover a wide range of topics on the level 3 curriculum.


SUPPLEMENTARY (Additional level 3 knowledge, skills and competencies for GPs)

Supplementary learning opportunities have been subdivided into:

  • Personal Level: Recognition, Assessment, Communication, Documentation and Appropriate Actioning of Suspected Abuse
  • Practice Level: Contribution to local safeguarding MDT and Peer Support
  • Inter-Agency Level: Interagency-working : Involvement in Safeguarding Enquiries / Serious Case Reviews