Complete training on:
- Prevent awareness – updated with new case studies and animation to provide an overview of the Prevent programme and what to do if you spot concerning behaviours
- Prevent referrals – provides best practice on how to articulate concerns about an individual and ensure that they are robust and considered and aims to give them confidence in making a referral
- Channel / Prevent Multi-Agency Panel (PMAP) – for anyone who may be asked to contribute to, sit on, or run a Channel panel or PMAP
- Refresher awareness – a condensed version of the awareness course and is for anyone who would like
a reminder of the key points
Key features of the service include:
- two new animations that help explain terrorism and how to make a referral
- two new real-life case studies focusing on Islamist and right-wing extremism
- compliance with Public Sector Accessibility Regulations
- a certificate when you complete each course
- a feedback survey at the end of each course to help us improve the service
- a Welsh language version is available for each course
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