ARRS GP Support & Development Programme

CPTH are excited to offer the ARRS GP Support & Development Programme, tailored to support GPs employed under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS) in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough practices.

What is it and who is it for?

A programme of access to education, mentoring and peer support, currently running until 31st March 2026.

Eligibility: Applicants must be employed under the ARRS within a Cambridgeshire & Peterborough practice to access this programme.

The programme includes:

  • An invitation to participate in the monthly GP Fellowship education sessions – designed to meet the education needs of First5 GPs
  • Access to up to 6 sessions of independent coaching and mentoring with a Training Hub mentor
  • First 5 Peer Group support
  • Access to specific ARRS GP WhatsApp peer group
  • Training Hub education and development offers and resources


Education Programme

C&P Training Hub has developed a tailored programme of early career education sessions. These are facilitated by the CPTH Early Career GP Lead and CPTH Education Fellow and delivered by experienced clinicians and trainers. This programme is constantly evolving and you can keep up to date on the Education Programme web page.

Coaching & Mentoring

You will have access to a Training Hub GP mentor who has completed training in mentoring and coaching, for up to 6 sessions of 1:1 discussion. These discussions can help guide you in your career development, help you find strategies to manage work-life balance, time management and a host of other topics relevant early in your GP career.

Peer Support

There is a dedicated ARRS GP WhatsApp group to help you network, share thoughts, discuss challenges and access advice or signposting. Once you have signed up to the programme you will be provided with a link to join the WhatsApp group.

C&P Training Hub also has an early career GP team covering the area, building peer support networks for First5 GPs working around Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. The format of these varies including face-to-face or virtual evening meetings and WhatsApp groups. You can find more information on Peer support here.


Please note that the above programme is funded by CPTH and does not include any financial payments direct to the GP or employing practice.

How do I sign up?

If you are a GP employed under the ARRS please complete and submit the sign up form below. Once we have received your completed form, we will contact you with further details.

(This programme is only available to GPs employed under the ARRS, if you are not employed under this scheme please browse the rest of our website for information on other available support and opportunities.)


If you have questions, please do get in touch: