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91 Resources

This session will aim to help those working in primary care understand why diagnosis is helpful, navigate the obstacles to good quality dementia care within primary care, learn approaches to managing risks and safeguarding for this vulnerable cohort and understand the resources available locally to support people with dementia and their families to live well and safely.
Monthly update from The Medicines Optimisation Team followed by presentation on various topics
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICS
This series of four workshops help practices swap behaviours to less environmentally harmful options while they are delivering primary healthcare.
Genomics e-Learning Platform
Categories: Training
The new e-learning site, developed by NHS East Genomics with support from the national Genomics Education Programme, is open to healthcare professionals looking to develop their knowledge and professional practice around genomic medicine and testing
This elearning programme aims to support the health and care workforce in developing the knowledge and skills required to enable appropriate wound care to be delivered to people in any setting.
Recording of Health Inequalities for Personalised Care Team on 20th November 2024 with Jessica Randall - Carrick
Freedom to Speak Up in Healthcare
Categories: Training
This training is for everyone wherever they work in healthcare and explains in a clear and consistent way what speaking up is and its importance in creating an environment in which people are supported to deliver their best. It will help you understand the vital role you can play and the support available to encourage a healthy speaking up culture for the benefit of patients and workers.
Prof. Stephen Barclay FRCGP, FRCP, MD from University of Cambridge delivered a session on End of Life Care Prescribing on a Protected Learning Time afternoon for Clinicians on 22nd October.
This session provides information on what to do when approached for or engaged in a conversation involving a disclosure of workplace sexual misconduct.
The October prescribing update meetings agenda was around living with pain – non palliative.
Freedom to Speak Up Training
Categories: Training
Our Freedom to Speak Up e-learning, developed in association with Health Education England, is freely available for anyone who works in healthcare.
Recording of webinar on 30th September with slides and handouts