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11 Resources
The Cultural Competence and Cultural Safety elearning tool is made up of three 20-30 minute learning sessions. The purpose of the tool is to support clinicians in the NHS to gain knowledge and understanding of the issues around culture and health; and how this might influence health care outcomes.

This training is for everyone wherever they work in healthcare and explains in a clear and consistent way what speaking up is and its importance in creating an environment in which people are supported to deliver their best. It will help you understand the vital role you can play and the support available to encourage a healthy speaking up culture for the benefit of patients and workers.

NHSE have been supporting Henley Business School with creation of the Developing Future Leaders in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion apprenticeship
NHS web page with details of associations representing and providing support to international nurses and midwives.
A professional Doctors association whose sole objective is promoting equality and fairness for all doctors and dentists working throughout the UK.
The British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) brings together Muslim healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom as one.
Association which aims to increase the presence of African Caribbean medics at every stage of the healthcare profession.
National forum created in response to calls from BMA members for greater support for doctors and medical students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

A gentle dive into the very complex world of diversity and inclusivity with messages of how we can improve our culture in the NHS.

The Leadership Learning Zone (LLZ) has been developed to individuals with a tool that will enable learning, enhance understanding and embed vital skills and knowledge that will contribute to the, physical and psychological well-being of our people and can be accessed free of charge by all NHS staff.
This guide, produced by the NHS Staff Council Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Group, is aimed at equality, diversity and inclusion leads, HR and learning and development professionals, and trade union representatives.