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61 Resources

This series of four workshops help practices swap behaviours to less environmentally harmful options while they are delivering primary healthcare.
Prof. Stephen Barclay FRCGP, FRCP, MD from University of Cambridge delivered a session on End of Life Care Prescribing on a Protected Learning Time afternoon for Clinicians on 22nd October.
Recording of LES Meeting on 12th June 2024
Still Practising – Mindfulness for Clinicians
Wellbeing group
Categories: Wellbeing
FREE online drop-in group for clinicians interested in mindfulness meditation - connect with others and practice together.
The Clinicians Survival Guide
Categories: Wellbeing
A new podcast to help clinicians at this difficult time when so many are struggling, burnt out or moving to Australia. The Clinicians Survival Guide with Dr Munir Adam takes a no-nonsense approach to discussing topics that matter to clinicians, and offering solutions: topics such as workload pressure, complaints, time management, pay, patient notes, referral problems, etc.
As part of developing blended learning, EoE GP School have commissioned a series of TED-style talks that align with the modules.
British International Doctors Association
Categories: Support Services
A professional Doctors association whose sole objective is promoting equality and fairness for all doctors and dentists working throughout the UK.
BMA FREE (forum for racial and ethnic equality)
Web Page
Categories: Support Services
National forum created in response to calls from BMA members for greater support for doctors and medical students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.
A collection of Safeguarding Level 3 resources for primary care clinician peer learning/study groups, to support discussion and reflection on Modern Slavery.
C&P Training Hub
A collection of Safeguarding Level 3 resources for primary care clinician peer learning/study groups, to support discussion and reflection on Perplexing Presentations and Fabricated & Induced Illness.
C&P Training Hub
Grow Development Solutions ILM 5 Introduction
Categories: Professional Development
A video from course leader and facilitator Amie Nazaruk-Wheeler sharing key information about the ILM level 5 certificate in effective coaching and mentoring.
Grow Development Solutions
Video from Sarah Ray sharing first-hand experience of the ILM 5 Coaching and Mentoring Programme.
C&P Training Hub