Building on the success of the NHSE programme, our local CPTH Fellowship for Newly Qualified GPs is designed to support the transition from VTS to an established, salaried GP working in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.

Cohort 2 is now closed. To be added to the waiting list for future cohorts, please see the ‘How to apply’ section below.

What is it and who is it for?

An 18-month programme of funded CPD time, education, mentoring and peer support.

There are 10 places available on cohort 2 of the programme, which is open to post CCT GPs who are employed on a substantive contract, working a minimum of 4 sessions per week as a salaried GP in a Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Practice. Places will be awarded on a first-come first-served basis.

Candidates must be no more than 12 months post-CCT on the cohort commencement date.

Please note that this fellowship is not open to GPs employed under the ARRS. Please find details of alternative support for ARRS GPs here.

What is provided for fellows:

  • 2 sessions per month of funded CPD time for the duration of the 18-month programme
  • Monthly education session
  • In-practice mentor support (recommend 1 hour per month)
  • Access to up to 6 sessions of independent mentoring with a Training Hub mentor
  • Monthly Education sessions
  • First 5 Peer Group support

What is expected from fellows?

  • 90% attendance at monthly education sessions
  • Engagement with both in-practice and external (Training Hub) mentors
  • Planning, completion and evaluation of a quality improvement project, taking place from month 6 – month 18

What is provided for the Practice?

  • A funding grant to practice to support 2 sessions of CPD time per month – at a flat rate of £9,900 per 18-month programme
  • A funding grant to contribute to in-house mentoring within the practice – at a flat rate of £750 per 18-month programme
  • Opportunity to benefit from the fellow’s development and quality improvement work

What is expected from the Practice:

  • Support fellows to meet the 90% attendance requirement for the monthly education sessions
  • Provide regular access to an in-practice mentor (recommend a minimum of 1 hour per month) with no more than 2 fellows per mentor
  • Release of the fellow for their designated CPD time

Tailored Fellowship Education

C&P Training Hub has developed a tailored programme of monthly education sessions that all GPs on the CPTH Fellowship are expected to attend. The half day sessions (Thursday mornings) are facilitated by the CPTH Early Career GP Lead and CPTH Education Fellow and are delivered by experienced clinicians and trainers. This programme is constantly evolving and you can keep up to date on our Fellowship Education Programme web page here.

Training Hub Learning Programme

Fellows will also have priority access to the Training Hub’s full learning programme. Check out the events calendar on our website for more information.

During your Fellowship you will be assigned an in-practice mentor who will provide dedicated mentorship each month. Your mentor will work closely with you, providing frequent informal feedback, professional support and advice to help you benefit from:

  • A better understanding of the culture and structure of the organisation
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Increased skills and knowledge
  • A supportive environment in which progress, successes and failures can be evaluated
  • Provision of necessary support and information
  • Potential for increased visibility and demonstration of career focus and engagement

You will also have access to a GP outside of your practice who has completed training in mentoring and coaching, for 1:1 discussions. These discussions can help guide you in your career development, help you find strategies to manage work-life balance, time management and a host of other topics relevant early in your GP career.

C&P Training Hub has a team of GP First5 Leads covering the area, building peer support networks for First5 GPs working around the three localities. The format of these varies including face-to-face or virtual evening meetings and WhatsApp groups, for First5 GPs to network, share thoughts, discuss challenges, and access one-to-one advice or signposting.

Funding is via a grant to the employing practice, there is no funding direct to fellows.

How to apply

Cohort 2 commenced on 1st February 2025. To be added to the waiting list for future cohorts, the employing practice should complete an application form below.

NB: Applications are accepted from the employing practice only, we do not accept direct applications from GPs.

If you are a newly qualified GP interested in the fellowship, please discuss this with your practice and ask them to submit an application.


If you have questions on any aspect of the fellowship, please do get in touch:


Living & Working as a GP in C&P

With over 90 GP practices now working in 21 Primary Care Networks, we have diverse patient populations, a talented and passionate workforce and a drive to deliver quality primary care at scale.

Our practices range in size from smaller family practices to large super practices, and we serve over one million patients from a mix of urban centres and rural communities across our 3 localities – Peterborough, Huntingdon & Fenland and Cambridge. This means plenty of opportunities to develop the skills and experience you need in a range of settings. We have big ambitions and we’d love you to be part of our future.

  • Excellent employment opportunities for newly qualified GPs and Nurses
  • Wide variety of options for flexible working and a portfolio GP career
  • General Practice Fellowship to help you transition to practice and develop your career
  • A forward-thinking Training Hub providing high quality learning
  • Cosmopolitan cities, busy market towns, idyllic villages and beautiful countryside
  • Affordable housing, excellent schools and a really strong sense of community
  • Plenty of sports and leisure facilities and quality eating, drinking and shopping
  • Excellent local and national transport links providing easy access to regional hubs, London and the rest of the UK

Our region offers a hard-to-beat combination of culture and heritage, scientific and cutting-edge technology, world-class educational institutions and progressive development.

Peterborough is an ambitious and rapidly growing but still affordable city of around 200,000 residents. There’s a wide choice of homes and leisure activities including an extensive network of urban and rural cycleways to get you out and about. Although rich in heritage, modern Peterborough is a vibrant melting pot of cultures, currently thriving with major programmes of retail, leisure, housing and business development plus a new university in the works.

Famed for it’s history and internationally renowned university, Cambridge is frequently ranked in the top best cities to live in the UK. At the heart of the high tech Silicon Fen, it has become a major centre for technology and medical research. Go punting along the River Cam, join a walking tour of the city or explore the narrow winding streets and green spaces from the seat of a bicycle. There’s also world-class shopping with The Grand Arcade and an abundance of
independent and speciality shops.

Further afield, medieval Ely with its magnificent cathedral is a popular and pretty riverside city that retains the friendly feel of a market town and has rapidly become one of the region’s most sought after locations. It combines stunning architecture and spectacular countryside with new housing development and good road and rail links to Cambridge and London.

Nestled between Peterborough and Cambridge, rural Fenland is renowned for it’s wildlife, quiet cyclist-friendly roads and extensive network of rivers for lazing about on. Historic Huntingdon is home to charming churches, markets, cafés, bars and restaurants. Nearby attractions include Huntingdon Racecourse and Grafham Water Centre for a wide range of outdoor activities.

We know you want to work in a supportive environment, with people who share your values and who want to work together to make a difference to the lives and health of the local community. Finding the right fit takes careful research so we’ve put together our top hints and tips to help you with your search. You can also contact the Training Hub if you have any questions or want more advice.

The practice website – details on staff, team composition, access model, practice ethos and contact details should all be available.

The last CQC report – don’t be put off by “requires improvement” – aim to understand the issues as identified by inspectors and explore the practice’s response to the most recent report.

Practice patient questionnaires at:
Practice demographics and public health comparison metrics at:
(As always, care should be taken with interpreting the data and understanding what this means in context.)

A copy of a proposed job plan, a standard day, and a copy of the practice standard contract before you visit.

Aim to schedule your visit for a coffee break to meet the team on a ‘normal’ working day. It is reasonable to ask to see a clinic list from a similar role from the last week or two, to give you a feel for workload and team communication.

1. If the job description contains flexible sessions, what are they likely to entail?
2. How many sessions are there and what are the expectations in relation to their use?
3. If the post is on split sites, ask questions about how that would work for you.
4. Is the proposed job plan a long-term one? How is it likely to change after 1 year? 5 years?
5. Ask about special interests and how they fit within the job plan.
6. If you have interests which do not feature in the job plan, will there be opportunities to develop an involvement in those?
7. Nature of on calls.
8. Ask whether the practice has already signed up to participate in the GP Fellowship Scheme.

1. Ask about the links between the medical school and the practice.
2. Ask about the practice’s involvement with GP trainees and expectations with regard to your own responsibilities.
3. What about the opportunity to become a clinical supervisor (associate trainer) or educational supervisor (trainer)?
4. Are there particular areas which they feel would need to be filled by the new recruit?

1. Is the practice involved with the CRN?
2. Are there opportunities or expectations to be involved with research work?

1. What are the opportunities to develop an involvement in management within the practice?
2. Are there opportunities for an involvement at regional level (e.g. networks)?
3. What are the immediate needs for service improvement and service development within the practice?

It is sometimes worth raising problematic issues at this stage as the response you get may influence your decision to apply for the job or not. Issues might include:
1. Job sharing.
2. If the job is part-time, whether there may be opportunities to make it full time later on.
3. If you lack experience in one area but you know that you can gain that experience quickly if given a minimum of support, would this cause an issue for the practice?
4. If you have developed a lot of experience in an area of interest which is not immediately relevant to the job, will your experience be of use at some point in the future?