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8 Resources
Common Mental Health Problems Training Film for nurses and Allied Health Professionals working with Adults in Primary Care.
Narrative and common purpose for personalised care in the NHS. Additional Roles in Primary Care Networks, why they are needed and how they can support the health and care system.
Healthy You are a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that offer help for residents looking to develop a healthier lifestyle, and training for professionals to support this.
A selection of pre-recorded webinars covering mental health, dementia and frailty, PPA claims and more.
Introductory course on understanding blood results for nurses and allied health professionals. Provides basic awareness of key tests, disease relevance and demonstrates the need to link tests and organs to better interpret the result. *FUNDED*
A short e-learning module from Jane Chiodini introducing UK based travel medicine and showing some of the key resources used in this field of practice.
Frailty Hub and Frailty e-Learning module for health professionals with the latest information, research and educational resources on this crucial area of older people’s healthcare. (Cost may apply.)
CDEP’s Mental Health and Diabetes training raises healthcare staff’s awareness of the prevalence and range of mental health conditions in people living with diabetes.