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12 Resources
NHS web page with details of associations representing and providing support to international nurses and midwives.
A professional Doctors association whose sole objective is promoting equality and fairness for all doctors and dentists working throughout the UK.
The British Islamic Medical Association (BIMA) brings together Muslim healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom as one.
Association which aims to increase the presence of African Caribbean medics at every stage of the healthcare profession.
National forum created in response to calls from BMA members for greater support for doctors and medical students from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

If you feel you are in a mental health crisis, urgent support is available in our area 24/7 through 111. Simply dial 111 and select option 2. You will be put through to a trained advisor who will speak to you and discuss your current mental health needs.

How Are You (H.A.Y.) is an interactive local website that brings together information on activities and support available in your local community to help boost mental health and wellbeing.
Psychological Wellbeing Service (PWS), part of the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services, aims to make psychological therapies more accessible to people experiencing common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.
A network for support and collective advocacy for improving the health & well-being of those individuals and communities living in the most deprived areas across the East of England.
Support and advice for health professionals to respond appropriately to domestic abuse disclosures by clients or patients.

Coaching and mentoring to support GPs who feel they would benefit from some time to reflect on issues that are impacting their work and life.

CPFT service which provides tailored nutrition and dietetic advice to people aged 16 years old and over.