CPTH aims to support Personalised Care professionals within General Practice, to develop themselves and their careers through learning opportunities and information sharing.

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Personalised Care Leads

We would like to introduce you to the Personalised Care Lead who are supporting Personalised Care roles and embedding approach to the wider team. If you need any support or would like further understanding, please contact the relevant lead.

I have worked in health and social care for over 35 years managing a wide range of social care and associated services, qualified with a CMI Diploma in Management and was a Registered Manager for over 10 years.

Most of my career has been working in the Local Authority and the NHS, managing services in extra care housing, supported living, day services and domiciliary care services across Cambridgeshire. I have over 7 years’ experience managing services for the voluntary sector managing residential, supported living and community services for children and adults with complex needs and mental health conditions in Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Prior to this role I was an Integrated Neighbourhood Manager in Peterborough supporting PCN’s to develop and work in partnerships with key partners and organisations to create circles of support and develop networks to meet the needs of our communities.


Personalised Care Roles

Explore Personalised Care roles via the links below.

Care Co-ordinator

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Health & Wellbeing Coach

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Social Prescribing Linkworker

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Learning & Development

Personalised Care Roles Learning & Development

Information, training & development and funding opportunities for Social Prescribers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches and Care Coordinators in General Practice.

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Mentoring Opportunities for Personalised Care Roles

CPTH offer access to an experienced mentor for Social Prescribing Link Workers, Health and Wellbeing Coaches or Care Coordinators.

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Multicoloured wooden sign with the word welcome on it

Induction Programme for Staff New to Primary Care

In response to feedback on how to improve the transition into roles in Primary Care, we have developed a comprehensive 2-day virtual induction programme, to support local Practice inductions, for anyone new to Primary Care General Practice.

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Information & Resources

Background information, useful resources and links for Personalised Care roles.

What is NHS Personalised Care?

Personalised care represents a new relationship between people, professionals and the system. Working closely with partners, the NHS will roll out personalised care to reach 2.5 million people by 2023/24 and then aim to double that again within a decade.

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C&P Supervision Framework Guidelines

Dr Mark Brookes, Personalised Care Clinical Lead, has collated supervision recommendations for Social Prescribers to support Cambridgeshire and Peterborough practices and their staff. These recommendations are aligned to the specifications under the NHS Network Contract DES contract specification 2022/23 – PCN requirements and entitlements and local needs.

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Personalised Care Institute

The Personalised Care Institute is a virtual organisation, accountable for setting the standards for evidence-based training in personalised care in England. Their goal is to equip health and care professionals with the knowledge, skills and confidence to help patients get more involved in decisions about their care. Evidence shows this leads to better health outcomes and increased patient and clinician satisfaction.

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Personalised Care in PCNs

The three roles of Social Prescribing Link Worker, Care Coordinator and Health & Wellbeing Coach reduce and support the workload of GPs and other staff by supporting people to take more control of their health and wellbeing and addressing wider detriments of health, such as poor housing, debt, stress and loneliness. These roles are intended to become an integral part of the core general practice throughout England, embedding personalised care within PCNs and supporting all professionals to take a personalised care approach.

It is important to work with people in a way that, as far as possible, avoids them becoming dependent on primary care and encourages them to self-manage their own care and support as much as they can; this is Supported self-management (SSM). As a result, people have improved lives, benefit from timely access to health services, and are supported to develop the skills and confidence to manage their own health and wellbeing.

Case Studies

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Azanda Sithole – Care Network Cambridgeshire

PDF 152.2 KB

Links to Further Information