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81 Resources

Coaching and Mentoring Apprenticeships
Web Page
Categories: Training
Coaching and mentoring play an important part in supporting staff in any organisation across all levels. With a bigger focus by employers to empower and build confidence in a workforce, effective coaching helps to unlock the potential and performance of your organisation’s employees. Train to be a coaching professional for a very rewarding career.
NHS East of England Leadership Academy
An Overview of GP Leadership
Categories: Training
This course, developed by RCGP Learning, comprises three modules which build on each other. It explores what leadership is and how it compares with management, how you can understand yourself as a leader, the notion of leadership styles, and where GP leaders sit within teams and organisations.
Quality improvement: bitesize learning
Categories: Training
Delivered in partnership with the NHS Leadership Academy in the East of England, this fully-funded programme will feature four pre-recorded one-hour sessions to view on demand.
MacMillan Cancer Support offer a variety of training including e-learning modules, webinars, virtual classrooms and blended learning opportunities. As these modules are online, you can complete them in your own time and in any location. You will also find videos, interviews with specialists and a range of articles.
Enhance your performance with an ILM qualification last year, and fast-track your way to the top with our leadership and management qualifications. Ranging from Levels 2 to 7, our qualifications cater to all levels of management and offer a clear route to career progression.
CMI qualifications offer a range of development opportunities across a choice of levels, aligned to real job roles and the skills that employers need. Not only proven to improve performance, they’re designed to provide a clear pathway for progression towards the ultimate Management and Leadership achievement, Chartered Manager.
The Veteran friendly practice accreditation
Categories: Training
Nearly 1,000 GP practices in England are already accredited through this programme. We support these practices to identify and code their veterans, and to appoint a clinical lead who undertakes training and other activities related to veteran healthcare.
Learn how the principles of psychological well-being, communication and interpretation can benefit your work with refugees
Future Learn
Update in Travel Health – Online Learning
Categories: Training
A whole new way of undertaking a travel health update which is a mixture of videos, e-Learning, case studies, dilemma scenarios, self assessment questions, links to useful resources, tools and handouts to download and much more
Introduction to Travel Health
Categories: Training
Courses follow the curriculum described in the ‘Good Practice Guidance for Providing a Travel Health Service‘ document. This was published in October 2020 from the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
#MyGPandMe is a campaign to help make primary care fair for people who have a learning disability and autism.
Healthy You Training and Resources
Categories: Training
Healthy You are a free service for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough that offer help for residents looking to develop a healthier lifestyle, and training for professionals to support this.
Healthy You